Why Senior Democrats?
The Senior Democrats work with the county and state organizations. The Senior Democrats is a state affiliated organization of the North Carolina Democratic Party. Because we are like minded people over 50 years of age, we work very hard to elect Democrats to Public Office.
Senior Democrats advocate for issues of concern to seniors; like healthcare. Medicare is a program that seniors have paid in already and still the Republican right are pushing to eliminate this program. Medicaid is a program for seniors in need and everyone in America should be able to have access to healthcare. Many of the Republican right work to reduce and or eliminate these programs. In North Carolina the Republicans have restricted access to Medicaid for many of our seniors. We must continue to advocate for all seniors.
Social Security is another paid in program and should be protected from those on the right who want to eliminate this all together. The Social Security program was created in 1935 and has been an important supplement to seniors. Today we are seeing that the taxes paid in by the majority, but the wealthiest among us still avoid paying any taxes but enjoy the fruits of those who have paid into the system for roads, utilities, and many other aspects of society. We must remember the program was started when there was no protection for the American worker. We must uphold these programs.
Senior Democrats educate voters and potential voters about issues and candidates. We promote Democrats and help to get the word out on the issues and the candidates. It is important that you know who represents Democrats and what these candidates stand for.
Senior Democrats work with the state party, the county party, and the President of each chapter has a spot on the local boards in the communities that they are in. This gives them an opportunity to represent the senior’s perspective in those important decision making bodies. Being a part of the Senior Democrats is a positive way to be influential at the local, county, and state levels.
If you want to be a part of this very powerful organization, reach out to the chapter leaders represented on the website or you can reach out to the Membership Officer below.