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BCD Women's Group

Democratic Women of Brunswick County (BCDW) is a caucus group of the Brunswick County Democratic Party. We meet the second Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Brunswick County Democratic headquarters in Bolivia.  We look forward to welcoming new members who share our commitment to make a difference. 

2021 DUES are now being collected.

($25 checks payable to BCDW)

Please forward to

Jenine Flexner, BCDW Treasurer.

1730 W. Pelican Dr., Oak Island, NC 28465



Congratulations to Krystyn Hewett, a registered Democrat and Brunswick native and recipient of the Brunswick County Democratic Women 2021 Education Grant of $1500. 

Krystyn graduated recently with honors and two Associate Degrees, Science & Engineering from Brunswick Community College. She has been in the workforce since age sixteen, has volunteered keeping our beaches clean and is interested is advocacy for foster children. She helps other in many ways, noting any need she can fulfill.


Krystyn has been accepted to N.C.State; she will continue her education in Material Science and Engineering and she aspires to a Masters Degree. She will be honored at the reception/meeting on June 17, at 6 p.m. at Democratic Headquarters on Old Ocean Hyy. behind BCC.  All are welcome.  

This is the sixth grant awarded by BCDW.

BCDW: Are you Walking the Talk?

The Brunswick County Democratic Women are planning a display that showcases how Brunswick County Democratic women are helping their community members--walking the talk of the Carolina Promise. Please take a couple of minutes to complete the form and bring it with you to the next meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can email your responses to Marilyn Priddy. 

Our Mission

  • To advance the interests of the Democratic Party in Brunswick County and to raise money for candidates that support issues that are critical to the well-being of Brunswick County women and their families. 

  • To keep women informed on local, state and national key issues so that women can fully participate in the political process.


  • To actively recruit, support, and elect qualified women candidates for the Democratic Party in local, state and national politics. 


  • To advocate with local, state and national public officials on behalf of women's issues. 

  • To ensure women's voices are heard in electoral politics in Brunswick County and to unite and encourage the participation of women in every level of the North Carolina Democratic Party. 

Our Leadership

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Sandra Ford

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1st. Vice Chair

Emma Miles



Clare Leary


2nd Vice Chair

Denise Donnelly


Member at Large

Jenine Flexner


Fund Raising

Maria Riccobono

Mission Statement

Donna, Jenine, and Emma

Education Grant

Maria Riccobono, Marilyn Priddy, Paula Clarity, Denise Donnelly, and Sandra Ford

Reception Chair

Pat Forrest

Recruiting Chair


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