Building Rental
The Brunswick County Democratic Party facility is available for rental to outside organizations and individuals. Availability is subject to the BCDP’s own functions. For more information, call 910.754.8880 and leave a message, or email Tom Sapp at TsappJr@me.com for more information. Facility specifications:
Lot Dimensions: 210' x 210'
Building Dimensions: 40' x 80'
Large Parking Area
Large Open Meeting Area
Front and Back Double Entry Doors
Fully Equipped Kitchen
Double Sink
Stove with Oven
​Women's and Men's Restrooms (2 stalls each)
Tabletop Lectern
2000 Watt Dual-Speaker PA System with Bluetooth and USB/SD Card Reader
18 Collapsible Tables
150 Folding Chairs
Maximum Occupancy
118 tables/chairs
254 chairs only
PRICING: $250 for 4 hours. $50/hour after that up to 8 hours.