Below are three important things you should be aware of:
1. Absentee Ballot. You may call the Board of Elections at (910) 253-2620 to verify receipt of your Request Form or to request a form.
2. Donate (any amount) to help the BCDP purchase billboard spaces (2 or 3) for the November elections. Donations may be made in one of three ways: By check made payable to:BCDP and mailed to P.O. Box 503, Supply, NC 28462
Login to: brunswickdem.org; click on donate; follow instructions. Or click here.
NOTE: Donations made to the Party are unlimited. However, name, occupation, previous employment information are required. 3. Poll Workers Needed. Without a doubt, poll workers will be more difficult to find this year due to the pandemic. However, a lot rides on being able to adequately staff each voting location for early voting and on election day. Counties that may not be able to adequately staff their voting sites will probably not have the understaffed ones available. This will cause confusion for many voters and may discourage their voting. This makes it especially important to request a ballot and vote by mail. All safety protocols will be in place at each voting site for workers and voters. And, of course, poll workers are paid for their patriotic service. Call the BOE or contact me (910-547-6251) if you or someone you know would be interested in being a poll worker. Thanks for all you do. Dave Johnson Chair, Mosquito 1 Precinct