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From the Chair


We got through 2019, and by the grace of God, here we are in 2020. Is it the end of the decade or the start of a new one? Would it not be fantastic if that was the biggest argument we had going in this country?

At our December meeting, we heard from six statewide candidates and Mark Jewell, the President of the N.C. Association of Educators. It was our version of an Education Summit. Our two state treasurer candidates, Ronnie Chatterji and Matthew Leatherman, spoke to us about the important role the treasurer plays in setting and implementing education policy.

We also heard from four candidates running for state superintendent of public instruction: James Barrett, Michael Mayer, Jen Mangrum, and Keith Sutton. We listened to all the candidates and Mark for the first hour, then had a 20-minute recess to let voters meet the candidates and enjoy some nourishment.

After listening to our Democratic candidates, I believe all are extremely well qualified to hold office. It’s imperative we make good choices and then, after the primary, work harder than ever to return control of this state to Democrats.

Dems are not perfect and never will be. But there’s a difference between us and the blatant, unbridled corruption of our competitors. The sale of our public schools to for-profit charter school companies, the indifference to our environment and the department that watches over it, and the denial of Medicaid expansion are only three items on the list that distinguish us from our opponents. But our editor would have a fit about the length of my article if I included all the items that differentiate us.

Thanks to Sheriff John Ingram and his department for their help in directing traffic in and out of our headquarters during our Education Summit. I never imagined they would stay with us until we were finished. But they hung on, and I never got chance to thank them personally or offer them something from all the wonderful food that we had available for people who attended.

Our donations of food, clothing, children’s books and — of course — toys were inspiring. The table was covered and overflowing. Toys headed to Toys for Tots, books to the Literacy Council, kid’s clothing to Hope Haven and food to the food bank. Just for the record, you can do this any month of the year. It doesn’t have to be in December.

Our Facebook page has a link to pictures of our event, courtesy of Secretary Melvin Williams and Melvin’s Good News About Democrats. Look it up if you weren’t able to attend.

We now have arrived at the time of year when we prepare for our precinct organization across the county, as detailed in the NCDP Plan of Organization. All our precincts will organize on the same day, February 15, at 10 a.m. Many Precincts will have their meetings at our headquarters. Others will meet in their respective precincts. Information will be posted in the media and on our website and Facebook page. MobilizeAmercia, our newest tool, will also have information about these meetings.

The next BCDP event is the county convention on March 28 at 10 a.m. Prior to the county convention is the March 3 statewide primary. Early one-stop voting for the primary starts February 13 and ends February 29.

Our Feed the Blue Wave reverse raffle is March 21 at the Stone Chimney Center in Supply. Tickets are $50 per individual and will go on sale very soon.

If you’re a Democrat but aren’t presently involved with the BCDP, now is a good time to head our way. We need volunteers and donations to change things. Nothing else works — you are the key to our success in this county.



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