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From the Chair


I write this as I prepare to spend another day at our BCDP HQ with a national campaign that is using our building as a place to meet and connect with voters in Brunswick County. Why would I spend another day doing that, you ask? Because for every contact made with a voter, it increases the chance that they will come out and vote. This is what we asked our precincts to do also, and we will continue to ask the same of anyone who can help us support a change here in N.C.

Another reason to open up for a campaign’s event is that many voters have never been to our HQ. If they come in the door, maybe they will come back and help us. Voters on both sides will many times support a candidate but ignore the party. They are taken by the candidate’s charisma, message, and possible influence into future personal or business events.

Talking to and meeting voters is what we need to be accomplishing now and through November, in order to make our state and nation whole again with good public schools, clean water, expansion of Medicaid, protecting Medicare, Social Security, and taking action to mitigate Climate Change.

Now, a reminder - we will not have a meeting on Thursday Feb.13th at 7PM, but will instead have our meeting combined with organizational meetings for many Brunswick County Precincts on Saturday Feb. 15th at 10 AM. All precincts will meet at BCDP HQ, 1420 Old Ocean Highway, Bolivia, and N.C., except for OKI 1 & 3, Belville 1 & 2, and Leland, who will meet at other locations in their specific areas. Please go to MobilizeAmerica for more information on events in Brunswick County. If you need assistance finding your precinct, please get in touch via an email or a phone call. We need fully organized and operating precincts, and you can be a part of that. Democrats from Woodburn, Bolivia, Towncreek, and Waccamaw are particularly needed to help organize those precincts.We’re now in the final months of IMPotus, and our world has been in turmoil since the 2016 election.

As the processes leading to November ramp up, I encourage you to take a few moments to step back from the vitriol, ugliness, hatred, and racism that have sadly become a part of the political landscape, and breathe.

Whatever comes tomorrow, the Democratic Party is and will continue to be the party that welcomes all Americans.

--Tom Sapp, Chair

Your friend will argue with you.

--Alexander Solzhenitsy



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