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From the Chair


Brunswick County Democrats had a great precinct organization event last month at our headquarters. It went smoothly, and we were pretty well done by noon. We ate some snacks, socialized and got organized for this year.

Some precincts still need to get organized; Longwood, Hood Creek, Woodburn, Waccamaw, Shallotte, Bolivia and Town Creek have yet to meet. The only day left to organize before the convention is this Saturday, March 14.

Delegates from precincts that haven’t had an organizational meeting cannot be seated at our county convention on March 28. If you are in one of the precincts mentioned above, please contact me or your precinct chair for more information.

Our primary is over, and we have some great candidates to elect in November 2020. The folks who didn’t come out on top are also fantastic Democrats. Many brought some much-needed energy to the primary.

During this primary, we had the best people in this world, Democratic volunteers, working as poll greeters at four voting sites. Many precincts also staffed regular polling places on Election Day. If your precinct didn’t participate, you missed out on a rewarding experience. Our poll greeters were overwhelmed by the encouragement they received.

We encouraged voters to sign up for our newsletter and asked them what the main issues are for Brunswick County. (I might add another reason for our presence at the polls was to let voters know there’s a very active Democratic Party in Brunswick County.)

I worked at the Woodburn poll with Brain Armontrout to try and find some Democrats and help organize that precinct. Other than blistering my old, bald head, we had a great day.

We have a tremendous amount of data to consider so we can create messaging attuned to Brunswick County voters.

Rob Priddy, our second vice chair, had yet to tally the data as I wrote this report. However, we believe the number one issue, leading by a wide margin, is to end the Trump era. It will take a landslide of other concerns to remove that issue from its top perch.

The BCDP county convention is March 28 at 10 a.m. Check in will start at 9 a.m. If you arrive late, after the start of the meeting, you will not be seated with the convention body as a delegate. We will have an ample public area for those who want to observe our convention.

If you’re getting this newsletter for the first time, welcome. Come to one of our meetings, join one of our groups, the Women’s caucus or the Senior Dems, and help us remove Republicans from office in 2020.

--Tom Sapp



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