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From the Chair - January 2021


January is upon us and we are starting into the time when we elect our officers for all positions within the BCDP. Your Executive Officers are working on how to make this work, using our virtual format of Zoom to

allow participation and voting for your next Chair and other officers. Our precinct organization will occur on March 6th though the 20th, with our county convention scheduled on April 10th. I see many posts about working to turn NC blue like GA, and that starts here at our level of participation. Right now we have 6 unorganized precincts - we need ALL precincts organized in order to accomplish any goal we wish to attain. Many of you who are reading this worked extremely hard over the last few years, others have done it forever. The more people who engage the easier it is for all concerned.

As many of you know, our Treasurer, Dr. Dwight Willis, is resigning his position and moving to CO and live closer to family. Actually to live near two beautiful Grandsons. The Executive Council voted to place Victor Gallo in the position of treasurer to fulfill the term. The State Board of Elections does not allow us to be without a Treasurer and Dwight will be with us until the end of February to assist Victor. We have also put together some changes that allow Vic to Chair a Finance committee to help plan our future here in Brunswick. Marty O’Neil had also stepped up to be considered as Treasurer and has agreed to serve as an Asst. Treasurer to have redundancy in the position noted and also serve on the Finance committee. During the past year it would have been great to have had an assistant and also as I mentioned above, the more folks on board, the easier.

Rebecca Willis, Dwight’s much better half, is also moving to Denver and that will trigger an election to fill the remainder of her term on the Brunswick County Board of Elections. Anyone who is interested in that position can contact me or your precinct Chair for the application for same. I would recommend also a brief few words as to what they bring to this office, from an applicant, in addition to the application that can all be reviewed when the County Executive Board convenes to consider the replacement on our county board.

This month also sees us with a new webmaster, as Jeff Zalles is taking over for Melissa Warren. Melissa has taken a position with the Brunswick Literacy Council as their Executive Director. They are very lucky to get Melissa, she has done so much for this party here that I could not begin to list it all. Jeff has indicated that after poking around the website, he has learned a few tricks from the way Melissa built the original site. We have granted Jeff permission to place his own design signature on the website. The content remains as it was but you might notice a difference in the way it looks.

The Biden-Harris administration will focus on public service and bringing Americans together. A such they are asking us and others to participate in a day of service on January 18th. We in NC are under a stay home order which has now been extended. We at BCDP are looking into becoming involved with an organization called Porch, which allows for food to be picked up on porches and then taken to a local food bank. It is designed to be a local approach to collection of needed items for those whose numbers grow larger everyday. This could work well based on our precincts and also keep us safer but active in our communities for the next 6 to 8 months or longer while we wait for COVID 19 to subside. Of course, it would not be a day of action, but continuing action, starting now. Our Secretary, Denise Mirandola is looking into the aspects of how we could make this happen. You provided a great deal of food, gifts and donations in December for Brunswick Family Assistance. Thank you.

That's it for now, Our next meeting is Thursday, January 14th at 7PM. The link to register is: You can get on at 6:30, the meeting starts at 7PM.



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