There’s more than one way to make your point. This month, Jeff Zalles takes a break from letter writing to show you how to make a picture worth a thousand words.
It’s been said that there’s no better way to communicate than the written word. However, there are times when the written word just won’t do, like when you want to get a message across in a single glance of a social media posting or a sign. That’s when an illustration, or photo, might be your best bet. But how do you know a viewer will understand what you are trying to say when viewing your picture?
Enter the meme, a photo with a caption. We’ve all seen them on social media, but did you know how easy they are to produce? There is a free website that lets you turn any picture into a meme in minutes. Here’s how:
1. Go to It’s not necessary, but you should sign up for a free account so that your memes can be stored and recalled for editing.
2. In the dropdown “Create” menu, select “MemeMaker”.
3. Upload and crop your image and add the text you want. Then click “Save”. It’s that simple!
4. Once saved, click on the image and download it to your computer.
Memes are a great way to get your point across on social media or through emails and text messages. In fact, our Mosquito 2 precinct will be texting a memes this year to all residents in our community regardless of political affiliation. Here are some samples:
