Here’s another reason for Democrats to get out the vote on Election Day: North Carolina is the biggest 2020 battleground in the country.
In this vital election year, North Carolina is the only state that could help elect a Democrat to the White House and also has U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races. In addition, voters could flip control of the statehouse to the Democrats, just in time for another round of redistricting.
This year’s contest is a carry-over from 2018, when North Carolina voters rejected Republicans’ toxic agenda. As a result of that year’s voting, Democrats broke the Republican’s legislative supermajority and attracted more than 50% of the statewide votes in the State House and Senate elections.
Democrats also swept statewide judicial contests, earning more than 50% in every single race.
The surge in voting during the March 3 primary election showed broad enthusiasm for this year’s campaign, more evidence the path to the White House and the U.S. Senate runs through the Tarheel state. Voters are ready for change.
Since 1968, no Republican has won the White House and lost North Carolina. So, to send President Trump packing, Democrats must win in North Carolina.