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On the Campaign Trail with David Sink


WOW! What a different world since our last newsletter. I hope everyone is staying home and staying healthy!

All our planned events for March and April have been cancelled. In the meantime, we are all searching for new ways to stay connected. Like you, we are looking forward to when we can meet face to face again.

Until then, please follow us on our Facebook page @DavidSinkforNCSenate8 or to see our messages and some fun videos we are producing to keep everyone smiling. Please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE our posts and invite others to follow us on FACEBOOK.

More important than ever we have an election to win in November! We are asking you to support the campaign by giving what you can-- we have to defeat Bill Rabon! Go to and click on Donate.

As you may have seen on Facebook, we have baseball caps available for a $20 donation. Choose blue or white. We also added T shirts, Carolina Blue with our logo, for $20. Sizes S-XL and 2X. Just send us your size. We will deliver in the Leland area or mail to you. Email us with color choice for the cap and/ or size selection for T shirt.

Let us know how you are doing during physical distancing—what are you doing to stay “sane”? to laugh; to get exercise?? Send us an email

We would love to hear from you!

Dave and the Campaign Team

--Candy Adams



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