Perhaps the most important issues facing the North Carolina Legislature this year are redistricting and the rights of all voters to free and fair elections. As most of us know, the history of the GOP in setting the boundaries for congressional and state districts is spotty at best.
Now, the U.S. Congress is stepping in with a sweeping proposal that will not only reinforce the objectivity of the redistricting process, but also help provide for clean and fair elections, limit the role of big money in politics, and make sure public servants — especially elected officials — act in the public interest.
Titled the “For the People Act of 2021,” this sweeping legislation is a high priority among congressional Democrats. Predictably, Republicans in Congress, including our own representative and senators, are less than enthusiastic. That’s why it’s so important for Brunswick County voters, especially Democrats and like-thinking independents, to contact our congressman and senators and express support for this important legislation.
Earlier this month, the Brunswick County Democratic Party’s newsletter featured an article by Bob Bannerman, the chair of the Legislative Action Committee. Bob’s article includes a detailed explanation of the bill. But as critically important to the preservation of good government and free and fair elections as this proposal is, the For the People Act won’t pass without a push from voters. That’s why you and all voters in Brunswick County need to get in touch with our elected representatives in Washington and voice your support for the measure.
We suggest you use the following language when you call Washington:
“Hi, this is [NAME] from [TOWN], and I’m calling to urge you to support the For the People Act (H.R. 1 in the House, S.1 in the Senate). Your constituents are united behind the common-sense solutions in this bill to make sure our democracy works for all of us. I hope you will vote for democracy.”
Similar legislation passed the House in 2019 but died in the GOP-controlled Senate. With Democratic majorities in both houses, the chances for full congressional approval of the For the People Act are better than ever.
Right now, your voice is needed to get H.R.1, the For the People Act, passed in the House. Please call Rep. Rouzer at 1-844-875-8902 and express your support for this critical bill.